GMB Says pupils must be put before profit
After discussions with the school and parents GMB, along with sister Trade Unions have launched a petition against the forced academisation of Rounds Green Primary School in Oldbury.
Join us, sign the petition and say #NoToAcademisation
The school became subject to an academy order in 2016 when it was rated inadequate by Ofsted.
The most recent inspection in April 2019 confirms that the school is on a trajectory of improvement as the school moved to “Requires Improvement”
The monitoring inspection in March 2021 also noted that “Subject Leaders have devised well developed curriculum plans since the last inspection” and “Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action to provide education in the current circumstances”
We have serious concerns about forced academisation and Rounds Green Primary School can continue to improve educational outcomes and its Ofsted rating without being forced to join an unaccountable multi-academy trust and should not be forced down this path.
You can find out more about how to get involved with fighting against forced academisation through this fantastic resource from the Anti Academies Alliance
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Posted: 21st July 2021