It has been announced that Sandwell Council have terminated their contract with Sandwell Leisure Trust.

Sandwell Leisure Trust have been notified that the contract to run the 9 leisure services on behalf of the council has been terminated.
Whilst it is uncertain who will be running the centres, including the new Aquatic Centre built especially for the 2022 Commonwealth Games, further discussions are due to take place over the coming weeks.
This news comes as GMB along with sister Trade Unions are balloting members on a 2022/23 pay claim.
GMB Regional Organiser Justine Jones said:Whilst GMB Union welcome the news that a Labour controlled council have removed the contract from an employer who recently fired and rehired their employees with the threat of poorer terms and conditions hanging over staff, we will continue to fight to protect members jobs with the aim of returning them to decent pay, terms and conditions.
Posted: 21st February 2022