Julia Sear, our Education representative has this week completed a course with GMB – Winning Equality in the Workplace

Equality is central to the GMB’s agenda. The four day course (over 4 weeks) focuses on what reps can do in the workplace to win improved rights for our members.
Strengthening the skills she already has around equality legislation, the course looks at all aspects of discrimination and helping develop plans to win real improvements back in their workplace.
At the end of the course Julia said:
At the heart of this course is the 2010 Equality Act which gives individuals under the nine characteristics listed protection in the workplace. The Equality Act can be applied to members who are victims of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace.
Altough I was aware of the Equality Act I had not received direct training on the aspects and application of the Act. This course provides insight into the Act and examples of how this can be applied when representing members of the GMB.
Equality Act is an essential resource in my role as a Union Representative which is used to advise protect and support members. I would encourage all Union Representatives to apply for this course as an essential aid to representing members.
If you would like to find out more information about becoming a GMB workplace representative and the support & training offered, please contact branch office.
Posted: 14th December 2018