GMB Trade Union actively campaigns against Domestic Violence by supporting White Ribbon campaign.
GMB campaigns to highlight the help that is available not just to the victims but also the help available to the people that commit acts of violence who want to change their pattern of behaviour.
Domestic violence can take many forms, including sexual, emotional, and/or financial, in addition to physically violent abuse.
Every act of violence is wrong and everyone, whether male or female, has the right to a life free of violence.
If you are facing violence in any form you do not have to put up with it. There is support available. Contact the services below for free confidential advice. They can also direct you to local support services.

Women’s Aid
0808 2000 247
Everyman Project – Helpline for men who are violent
0207 263 8884
Doli Project – Forced Marriage
0845 658 1057
Victim Support – Mens’ helpline
0800 328 3623
Broken Rainbow – Men and Women in gay, bisexual and transgender relationships.
0300 999 5248

Posted: 10th August 2014