After a surge of national and local reports of violent and aggressive incidents towards refuse collectors in 2016, GMB undertook a survey of our local workforce relating to this issue.
The results proved that there is an issue and we believe that no one should go to work to be abused. With this information to hand GMB branch officers held negotiations with SERCO locally and the employer also agreed that this was an issue that needed urgent attention, but the correct measures needed to be put in place.

Darren James, Branch Secretary said “We welcome the employer and Sandwell Council working with us to ensure that our members are protected at work and that a clear message is sent widely that acts of violence or aggression will not be tolerated”
Jim Williams SERCO Workplace representative also said at the launch “This charter and associated procedures will give our members and their families the confidence that they will be safe at work, and if there are any incidents they will be taken seriously”
At the launch it was also discussed that the charter will now be taken to SERCO officers throughout Europe for discussion and we hope that this will be extended across to the whole workforce.

Previous GMB@ SERCO updates
Posted: 4th April 2018