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Virtual Regional Equality Conference

This year’s regional equality conference is going digital!


This years Regional Equality Conference will be taking place on Saturday 7th November between 11.30am and 1.30pm.
There will be speakers, discussions, and information on GMB’s current equality campaigning. This will be our first online conference Regionally, and it would be great to see as many people there as possible.
The elections for the Regional Equality Forum will also take place at this conference, and it is a great opportunity for any members who want to get more heavily involved in the equalities side of the Union.
What is the Regional Equality Forum?

The Regional Equality Forum (REF) is the heart of equality activism in the Region, and ties in directly with Regional Office, the Regional Council, and Regional Committee. It is an elected body of lay members who drive our equality campaigns, events, and organising, as well as training on specific equality issues.

In order to sit on the REF, you must be engaged in the Union, be active in your Branch to the best of your ability, and be keen to be involved in a variety of campaigns and events. The REF meets every other month in the day time, and it is expected that you attend most of these meetings.

It is also expected that you are willing to attend events throughout the year, whether they be online or in person, and that if you are elected on the REF that you are willing to be an active part of the Self Organised group attached to your strand’s seat. What this looks like will differ from group to group, but would be expected to include some activities that support organising in the workplace.

There are fourteen seats on the Forum and all are open for elections on the 7th of November:

  • Two seats reserved for women members
  • Two seats reserved for LGBT+ members
  • Two seats reserved for young members (under 31)
  • Two seats reserved for disabled members
  • Two seats reserved for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic members
  • Two seats reserved for retired members
  • Two General seats

You must identity with the strand groups of the seat that you are running for, however anyone can run for the two general seats. If you would like to run for a seat you will need to attend the Regional Equality Conference on the 7th, where you will have the opportunity to give a two-minute election address.

For an application form for the elections or to register your interest in attending please contact Darren James, Branch Secretary, or call 07786126530.
Deadline to return to branch is 12pm on 30th November.

Posted: 27th October 2020

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